MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
January 2019 - present
- Volunteer: Read student applications, conducted interviews, and observed mock classes.
MIT/Wellesley Toons
September 2014-May 2018

- President, Spring 2016 and Spring 2017: Represented the group, organized weekend retreat, and handled interpersonal conflicts.
- Business Manager, Spring 2015 and Fall 2015: Managed all group communications and logistics.
- Treasurer, Fall 2016: Managed group finances.
- Acapella Showcase Chair, Spring 2016: Organized the spring showcase concert for the 11 MIT acapella groups.
- Arrangements
- A Movie Script Ending, Death Cab For Cutie, Spring 2019
- Adder(f)all, Tei Shi Fall 2017
- Past Lives, BØRNS, Fall 2016
- Water, Andrew Huang, Fall 2015
- Solos
Food Veep for Steer Roast
Spring 2015 and 2016

- Organized an annual feast for hundreds of people.
- Coordinated ~40 volunteers in various cooking activities.
- Purchase ingredients, supplies, and seating arrangments.
Musical Theater Guild
Spring 2015 and January 2016

- Thea in Spring Awakening.
- Ensemble in 9 to 5.